Isu nguva dzose kuwana mibvunzo ipi cofdm Video wokutepfenyurisa zvakakunakira mamwe mamiriro ezvinhu.

We are currently updating this page to highlight the best cofdm video transmitters available depending on your specific need.

Ndiri kutsvaga yakachipa COFDM Video Rinofambisa.

chinhu pasi $300 kazhinji chenhando. The COFDM Video Transmitter you should be looking at is here,

If our chikuru peji edu Bang zvakanakisisa nokuda kwenyu yembudzi mazita uye peji ino haripi wokutepfenyurisa kuti vanokupa zvaunoda, please contact us at the below form.

Ndapota onai: New COFDM Video Transmitters come out every day, so I will try to keep this list up to date. This is a living document, so please let me know if you don’t agree or believe a better Video Transmitter exists.

Tapota tiudze kana uine pfungwa dzakasiyana kana vanoda chero COFDM Video Rinofambisa uye mugamuchiri.